Two blogs diverged on a yellow screen,
And sorry I could not write them both
And be one blogger, long I thought,
And chewed my pen, annoyed, distraught,
Until it bent and spilled ink on me!
Then took the obvious better idea,
And having perhaps the better aim
Because it was classy and weird and fun,
But as for that, the writing there
Had made them both about the same thing.
And both that evening equally played
On screen no surge had darkened black.
Oh! I left the best for another hack,
But knowing how prose leads on to poem,
I doubted if I should ever post it.
I shall be typing this with a sigh,
Somewhere pages and pages hence.
Two blogs diverged in my brain, and I,
I wrote the one less rarefied!
And that has made not one bit of difference.
…with apologies to Mr. Frost
Ah – thanks for reading Lana. All the best to you : )
The traveled road in stereo!
Very nice! This brought a smile to my face