9 am: Mass at Magdalene College Chapel. This was a very simple communion service with hymns accompanied by the new tracker organ. I wanted to pass on our SMM Patronal Hymn which originated at this college. The chaplain was aghast that the hymn had made it to Canada and that we had it translated (thanks to Ann Dalzell.) I was very kindly asked to coffee and met Simon, the former Bishop of Coventry who was heading over to the nearby St. Giles church to celebrate, so I tagged along for 11:00 am Mass. Simon gave a great sermon, including poetic quotations by Heinrich Vogel in German which he delivered by memory, and had learned in Berlin when he was a student there shortly after the war. I also met a student from Canada of Mennonite heritage, now studying classics at Kings. Again the world proves to be quite tiny.
I had my Thanksgiving meal at what must be the best restaurant in Cambridge, overlooking the river Cam. It was a sunny day so the punts were out in force. I summoned up my courage (yes, Bruce) and got on one of the bigger boats with a group of tourists. It was very informative and we didn’t tip.
I ended the day at St. John’s for Evensong – never a disappointment. Sorry – no photos – it’s Sunday. I hope everyone at home is enjoying Thanksgiving weekend : ) I am certainly thankful for all the wonderful things I have seen and heard in this beautiful place.
Happy Thanksgiving. Cambridge is a special place. Been many times and a I’m always in awe of it. Had a wonderful week there – with Bruce and others – in 1987.
Bruce often speaks with fond memories of that experience in ’87 and he made me promise to visit a certain pub. Do you know the one? I think it’s the Eagle? And yes, I’ve been for fish & chips and a pint of Abbot’s Ale!