1. How does cat hair get into the fridge?
2. Why can people be in love one day, and be worst enemies the next day?
3. Why do weeds come back every year in the garden, but things you plant do not?
4. Why are some people content to live in the same house for 40 years, yet others move around all the time?
5. Why do raccoons have no representatives in parliament?
6. What secrets are cows hiding?
7. How can two people that share the same DNA (ie siblings) be entirely different people?
8. How is it that you can travel all the way around the world and end up in the same spot?
9. How is it that you can travel an octave through a musical scale and end up on the same note?
10. Why are some people so nice and others big meanies?
11. Men can’t have babies. Is that fair?
12. If we love the planet, why do we wrap every little blessed thing in plastic?
You may have the answers, or a mystery to add?
Why are there supermoons, blood moons, blue moons, harvest moons, and others, when we know that the moon never changes?
THAT is a mystery worth pondering!
Why do the words “tolerant” and “intolerant” clearly mean the opposite of one another, while “flammable” and “inflammable” just as clearly mean the same thing?
Coincidence? I just saw the words “Highly inflammable” writ large, and had to stop and think what that meant. Cheers!
How are 24h in a day never enough to do everything we intended to do in one day?
So true. Thank goodness for weekends!
I’LL need to ponder an added mystery….but need to at least comment that I LOL at the “meanie” one!!!
I’m sure in time you will come up with a list of your own ; )
I read this and realize you haven’t changed much in 50+ years. Especially your concern for raccoons.
Change is relative.
Even more mysterious than cat hair in the fridge, how does that cat hair get into the ice cubes?
Is nothing safe?
Possible answers for some of these extraordinary mysteries:
2. Because it is not “true love.” (Sonnet 116)
6. It’s a secret.
7. They were born that way.
10. Due to different temperments.