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The long-anticipated induction service for Fr Harrison unfolded as planned yesterday afternoon at St. Mary Mag’s. It was so nice to introduce my parents to the bishop. Mary Willan Mason was there along with many of Fr David’s old parishioners, many Toronto organists, clergy and interested people. There was a lot of very strong and diverse music which everyone offered up very beautifully, and a suitably celebratory reception afterward. What a wonderful place – this feels like a new chapter in SMM’s rich history.

I’m off to the airport now and I found myself nostalgic for Toronto and all the wonderful things that happen here in the Autumn. The weather is gorgeous, and all the Fall festivals are so wonderful – Michaelmas, Nuit Blanche, Thanskgiving, Oktoberfest? All Souls, Halloween! and the Royal Winter Fair. I’ll miss my city and all my friends and family.

Auf wiedersehen : )

2 thoughts on “Departure”

  1. It was, indeed, a grand celebration, made so by the exceptionally fine musicians of SMM and your creativity and leadership, Stephanie. Thanks to you all for your dedication to SMM.

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